…a time when you read the comics instead of the business page?
…a time when you thought about who you’d sit next to in lunch, rather than at the meeting?
…when a babysitter was someone you were, not someone you hired?
Don’t you wish you could get back to those carefree high school days again, even for one night? Why just be nostalgic when you can once again see the people that made your high school days and nights among the most memorable of your life?

REUNIONS UNLIMITED, INC. can make it happen for you!
REUNIONS UNLIMITED, INC. can handle every aspect of planning and running your high school reunion, from start to finish. You don’t have to lay out any money. You don’t have to donate any time at all. You can be as involved or not as involved as you choose to be!
And on the night of the party? Your biggest responsibility is to remember the names of the people who sat next to you in math class. We’ll handle every other detail. All you have to do is show up and allow yourself to be transported back to the days you remember so well! You have nothing to do but find the bar, chat with old friends, and let loose!
For over 30 years, REUNIONS UNLMITED, INC. has planned, organized, and run MORE THAN NINE THOUSAND high school reunions all across the tri-state area. We are the foremost authority in the experience and business of creating a wonderful reunion.